Friday, November 20, 2020

The Epic of the Bed Pan

 The world is mighty sick at the moment, and for better or worse, possibly our pandemic plagued planet could just use a good 'ol chuckle right about now. How about this funny little 50's get well bed pan booklet I found a few weeks back-- why, it's poo-etry in motion!


  1. Hilarious. Way to go-go!

  2. Wow. A poem about sitting in a pile of poop

  3. Hey when ya gotta go-- you gotta a-go-go!

  4. Very cute and clever. But I'm glad I didn't have to illustrate it. This is just one more thing to lay in bed and worry about. Hospitalization sucks.

  5. "A poem about poop, but I can't show butts or poops..." thought the illustrator.

    Two weeks later, he began...

  6. The 2nd panel shows his chart, which seems to be going completely downhill and looks like it has a cross on it. I think the bedpan is the least of his worries!

  7. This is one of my favorite poems because my great grandfather wrote it
