Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Monster's Room

A boy named Peter starts a monster club, but when the monsters suddenly become real he's forced to devise a far-out scheme to get rid of them! This is another fun Scholastic title from the 70's, The Monster's Room (aka Peter's Angel) is one of those books that just seems to have always been on my shelf at some point or another, whether as a kid and/or as an adult. Swiftly told and very funny, author Hope Campbell unleashes some recognizable classic monsters --as well as a few new ones-- and the sketchy stylized brilliance of Lilian Obligado's art really makes this one a keeper!


  1. I knew someone would say something about that

  2. At least I did it with real panache!

    I like the pencil drawings, by the by. I don't see a lot of that kind of thing anymore since the seventies. I wonder if the trend related to an advancement in reproduction that then seemed unfinished or even dated a decade later?

  3. Well mostly I think it was just that everything turned ultra shitty in the 80's

  4. Wow. These images are so great! I love the crumplyness of everything.

  5. My favorite image was always the picture of the inside of the kids room with his monster posters on the wall and everything... monster kids are way cooler than sports kids

  6. And Shaun Cassidy kids :)

    I love that image too! The skull is awesome!

  7. Yes, excellent skull-- and the tiny hanged dude with the knife shoved through him, haha
