Thursday, January 29, 2015

Top-Hat Tipsy

Saw this funny little guy at an antique mall last week and just had to photograph him! It's Top-Hat Tipsy, the Squeeze-Top Beverage Dispenser! Just insert the plastic tube into any bottle of whatever and start pressing the hat down repeatedly-- out barfs your drink through the metal tube! Wonderfully designed and packaged and from the age of alcoholism --as if that's an "age!" I've seen variations of these in today's world as ketchup and mustard dispensers (see Crackerbarrel gift shops across the 'ol USA)-- and they squirt the goods right out through their mouths and their nostrils! Thirst-quenching, disgusting fun for everyone!


  1. I'll refrain from joking on "squirting" or "barfing", let the others have their thoughts...
    I like it! Is it from the 60's-70's? I suspect it would be considered "inappropriate" today, but I'd like to have it.
    Remember "Dissect-an-Alien™"? I've always wanted to stuff it with soft candies or marshmallows drenched in luxurious edible slimey syrup... Ok, the "age of alcoholism" is an evergreen round here...

  2. Looks 60's to me, maybe 50's but I haven't really researched it all that much... also in an AEET FIRST, this post marks the first time I ever created a blog post entirely on my phone!

  3. Well I'm not a boozer, but yeah I love cornball novelty shit like this

  4. I'm not sure that I could live without this. How could you leave Tipsy behind like that? I'll bet he's related to the Topps Barfo family of the 1980's.

  5. Well I suppose I could always go back for it... I'm certainly more into the package design then the actual product itself. I think it was $12, though as you can see its not exactly in the greatest shape either

  6. That would look just perfect hanging upside-down in a hamster's cage. Hamsters like a cocktail now and then, right?
