Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Drugstore Calendar Art '72

Fun illustrations highlight this calendar supplied by The Chattanooga Medicine Company in 1972 (in a similar vein check out the Rexall ads in the AEET Archives HERE.) This calendar in particular was available through Vandivort's Drug located in Salem, MO. The whole thing seems to be primarily one big advert for Cardui, Soltice, Black-Draught, etc. products, but it's all nicely put together in design, and obviously someone else thought so too as thankfully it didn't get tossed in the garbage when 1973 rolled around... (click to ENLARGE the images, of course!)


  1. I don't know if I could trust laxatives, ointments or any medical product made or bought in a place called Salem... any Salem.

    -"here's your Cardui Tablets™, honey, this will help you stay 'calm' on certain days"
    -"The information leaflet looks a bit weird. Why this warning 'Not to be taken on a full moon night' ? Where did you buy them?"
    -"In a little shop down in Salem".

    -"Wow, Tituba, this Arthritic Lotion™ really turned you into a bird! Shall I order some more for aunt Chastity?"
    Quoth the raven: "Nevermore!"

  2. Black-Draught even sounds witchcrafty

  3. I wonder if there's any relation between Vandivort and Lord Voldemort?

  4. Dunno, but I knew a Lord Volauvent.
    Sweet person.

  5. "Velamints took the sugar out, you can really taste the mint..."

  6. Yeah, I'm not sure I would have allowed anything called Black Draught anywhere near my mouth when I was a kid. Speaking of Ron Howard movies, I think it's funny how surprised that firefighter seems to be about his athlete's foot.

    Great calendar!

  7. The last page of the calendar, the man's face with glasses looks like the typical mad scientist smirking to himself, probably thinking 'now that I have added my 'extra' ingredient to the Black Draught, I shall turn everyone in town into my mindless slaves, heh heh heh.'

    I wonder if mad scientists work as pharmacists during the day so they can earn enough to perform their experiments at night.

  8. Speaking of the calendar itself, there are a few days marked here and there that were sort of milestones for whoever previously owned this thing... one day for example mentions that their mom died on September 11th of that year. Someone also got a perm on June 6th!

  9. man this is seriously something that would have been hanging in the nook in my grandma's kitchen that i would have stared at for hours and hours.

    and i'm really glad there's special tablets that help women stay calm. if i was married i'd be downing those things non-stop i'm sure :)

  10. Yeah! Where are the man pills? I could seriously OD on a bottle right about now
