Monday, January 12, 2015

Mix and Fix Cook Book (PART ONE)

Someone once wrote to me asking "What's the cutest thing you've ever blogged about?" and my answer was a total no brainer: Bob Powell's "Rotting Demons" from Black Cat Mystery #36. Then the person wrote back and asked, "No. The cutest thing on your other blog?" and meaning THIS blog, it was also a no brainer: I hadn't posted it yet! But I have now-- at least the first half of it anyway! So here ya go, a post so big it's gonna take two posts! It's the first half of Humpty Dumpty's Mix and Fix kid's Cook Book from 1972. Loaded with fun recipes and artwork so gosh darn cute, you might just get a complete sugar rush overload without the food stuffs!

+A huge portion of seconds coming up NEXT!

More to come :)


  1. Jesus Christ this is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life. The insane amout if cuteness even distracted me when I got to that "pizza" recipe - which ordinarily would have made me cry.

    I want to make almost everything in here now (except the banana with mayo and nuts. I might even try that "pizza") esp the toasted deviled cheese sandwich and the soup and tuna on a waffle.

    I think I've actually gone mad from cuteness

  2. Haha. Yeah, I was pretty sure the pizza illo was gonna be the one for the Queen of Crafts and Gifs... a girl dancing towards a pizza cart is also a no brainer, but let's not overlook the cat pretending to sleep, or the adorable slaughtered pig hanging in the meat market window!

    I am also quite fond of the Sticky Buns kid, who appears to have awakened with sticky pink eye!

  3. I actually have this cookbook and although you have done a splendid job sharing it with us today, it is sooooooo wonderful "in real life."

    Thank you so much for sharing...It sure would be cool if you would link up this book on this Wednesday for Cookbook Wednesday linky on my blog. Visitors would LOVE it!!!

  4. dude there's so many cute pics it was almost impossible to choose the best. i went with the devil saying yum yum yum as he sneaks to the sammiches. toooo cute!!!!

    AND the pirate kids...AND the weird cereal treats. man.

  5. @Louise-- be my guest Louise, I would love to link up with your spectacular blog on Wednesday :)

    @Carol-- and there's still another entire 15 pages of cuteness to go :))

  6. Yeah, the yum yum yum devil is my particular fave, even out of so many excellent Halloween choices. I also really dig that quizzical tortoise. I always really like these spot-colored illustrations. I always love your Humpty Dumpty posts so much. Can't wait for part two.

  7. Bunnies are my faves, but here's the dilemma:
    Stan Tusan's bunnies or Gould's bunnies?

  8. Love em both, but for stylized purposes I'm going with Stan.

    More Humpty Dumpty wonders for you to love on --coming up!

  9. Is it possible to OD on cute?
    This cookbook comes real close to doing that!
    Cute with a capital C!

  10. ODing was never so cute, JMR!

  11. Go for it! If you like I will link it up for you.

    I'm Off to see Part Two of this book.
