Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sex Education Class

We all remember high school Sex Ed class, right? Was it anything like today's story? I don't know about you, but we didn't separate the boys and girls for two completely different talks, in two different rooms-- we just watched some creaky old film, and giggled over most of the stuffy, outdated proceedings anyway! So, for you out there reading this, maybe things were more like the one as depicted in the Oct '74 issue of National Lampoon Magazine Vol. 55... and if it was, tell us about it! I rounded out the post with a few other jaw droppingly hysterical (and questionable) images from the same issue. Okay, I've been warning you about this post all week, so don't blame me if you wandered back here looking' for cutsie cookbook art or xmas cards! :P


  1. where's the goddamn dicks??!?!?!

    ugh! am i gonna have to do a CPC dick heavy post now? ok

    1. @ CPC: you'll have to look harder at the boy scout cover!

      @ Chris: less stuffy-- more stuffing, please!

  2. Certainly was a stuffy affair I take it.

  3. Damn, it's a wonder I ever managed to get married.

  4. Good gravy, why did I never look at a National Lampoon? I missed so much!

  5. Believe me I looked. That was a good start but I have nudie/sexed up equality needs!!!

  6. I'm with Carol. Dicks now!
    Our sex ed class certainly wasn't this...racy. We got some drawings of the female and male reproductive system, drawings of the fetus at various stages, and we watched a film about a hen and a rooster and the development of a chick in an egg. They separated the boys and girls when they talked about menstruation, and they talked briefly about condoms. There was really no discussion about relationships, except to warn us not to have sex until marriage in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies and STD's.

  7. If you ladies want dicks, then bug the Crafty One to post some dicks, already! haha

  8. The Crafty One needs to get her shit (or dicks) together.

    Maybe I'll make this the winter of dicks!!!!

  9. The Winter of Your Dicks O'Tent

  10. Haaaa!!!! You kill me

    Hazy Dicks of Winter

  11. I'm late to the party, but this is epic stuff, especially sex class, Also, really appreciated Adams' work on Dragula on your other site! THANKS for posting!
