Saturday, August 30, 2014

Girl Scout Round-Up '59

Quickly re-cutsifying this blog after the last few posts (especially after that Boy Scout image-- whoa!), we now take a look at some menu and recipe tips for a giddy girl scout occasion round-up, courtesy of the Campbell Soup Company, 1959! There're a lot of tasty treat ideas here, as well as incredibly adorable artwork (uncredited.) Is this about the cutest thing ya ever did see?


  1. Damn that us incredibly cute! I love the teens with the record player of course, and that teeny pic next to FLOCK TENDER'S SUPPER is really great too.

    I have to admit that Ranch Sauce recipe kinda freaks me out. But I kinda want to try it at the same time.

  2. Wait. You have to cook dinner to have a date with your dad? Whatta treat!

  3. Yeah I have to admit I'm a little creeped out by that
