Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Understanding Your New Rugs & Carpets

In the cold, harsh morning light of your post-New Years Eve Super Party, you suddenly notice that not only have you yourself barely survived last nights festivities unscathed, but the same goes for your poor new Harmony House carpet! How many drinks and chip dip could someone possibly spill in one evening? How much puke and urine can a single person disgustingly expel from their poor, wasted body? And uh oh-- IS THAT BLOOD over in the corner?!! Eeeek! Good thing you have the gorgeously designed and fantastically illustrated Understanding Your New Rugs & Carpets booklet from Sears Roebuck and Company, Simpson-Sears Limited, 1962. Yes my friend, you are most certainly going to need more help than just a quick vacuuming this morning!


  1. Cute and informative! I really like that blue tweedy background too. And I always like to see frying pans of bacon and cups of coffee in unexpected places!

  2. I seriously have to laugh at "pet accidents." My cat NEVER has an accident, it intentionally barfs and pisses on everything with the strength of a vengeful supernatural spirit when it's litter box needs changing. I do adore the cute cat illustration best though! I also like the part mentioning women's spiked heels under the missing tufts section.

  3. It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta grue it!

  4. Wow, the figure drawing here is really good. These people are so expressive.

  5. Agreed! Definitely one of my favorite recent booklet finds, thanks for the comments!
