Thursday, January 3, 2013

Phoenix Visitor '52

The frigid weather here in STL makes me wish I was currently in a much warmer climate, just as much as I wish I could go back to another time era, like say the 1950's.  And man, if I had the time machine technology to do so, I'd totally set the coordinates to Phoenix AZ, the week of Jan 4th - 11th, 1952 (I know, I know, it's only January 3rd today, but I like to have a day to plan out my travels through time!) This Phoenix Visitor's Guide / Tourist's Magazine published by Bruce A. Ogilvie in the 50's will definitely come in handy for finding all the things necessary to make this getaway a winner. Hmmm, corned beef at Herman's, or maybe a broiled lobster at The Saratoga after a day of antiquing sounds good, also a rejuvenating dip in a hot mineral well at Buckhorn Baths-- I just hope I'm not too relaxed to keep my eyes open that night at the Indian Drive-In for The Son of Dr. Jekyll! And if I have half as much fun in AZ as the miniature people fantastically illustrated in these ads are having, you know I'll be back for more!


  1. if you plan on staying at the villa motor hotel don't forget to bring your banana hammock!

  2. And don't you forget to stop by Jennifer's for some Desert Sun Fashion! Obviously AZ is the place to wear a button up coat and black gloves!

  3. Whatever you do, don't fall asleep at the Carlock Saddle Co. Apparently the second you pass out, those pranksters will brand all over you and the horse you rode in on. How embarrassing.

  4. Haha, well double tarnations then-- but truth be told you will NEVER catch me on a horse anyway-- good lord how I hate horseback ridin!

  5. Is it just me, or is that a *really* short skirt for the 1950s? Low cut blouse, choker, and you can actually see the hint of her garter belt!

    Should you have really given out the address where you can find her?

    Chamber of Commerce: Merchants of sick filth, destroying the moral fiber of our nation! Why are they shutting down Irving Klaw? Go after the Phoenix chamber of commerce! :)

  6. At first I thought you were talking about the Pixies Workshop ad, Brian!
