Monday, October 1, 2012

Calling all (Halloween) Girls...

...and boys too, of course! It's finally October, and that means Halloween Halloween Halloween!!! A full, frightening month of moaning, bony, creepy, crawling things that go bump in the closet, as we countdown to the big night itself on the 31st! And the October 1958 issue of Calling All Girls has just the right cover art by Freeman Elliot to set the mood, as well as a superb 2-page haunted house illustration spread inside by Ray Keane-- I've also included the 3-page "Halloween Magic" article by Shirlee P. Newman. So sit back, pull up a tombstone, and get ready to howl at the moon cuz we're just getting st-st-st-started!


  1. Looking forward to the treats you'll be handing out this year!

  2. Yeah, that cover is spectacular. I think skeleton costumes are my favorite--especially on big kids.

  3. Love the cover too and props to that haunted house spread!

  4. Thanks! Got lots planned this month... hope everyone has fun!
