Saturday, September 29, 2012

Comicode (Vic Martin)

One more look inside the wild 'n wacky word game paperback collection of Martin Dell's Puzzle Fun (Pocket Book, 1963, see previous 2 posts), and this time it's the Comicodes section, highlighted by the cute, cartoony art stylings of Vic Martin. I hope everyone enjoyed this multi-post look at this fun book... I see copies of this on ebay all the time so pick one up because there are still plenty of other things left inside to see and do!


  1. I always did love cryptograms. These were pretty easy because of the gimmes, though. And yeah, these dudes needed to do a bikini babe-off.

  2. I'll see if I can dig up some spooky Halloween babes for next next month-- so put on your Silver Shamrock masks, it's almost time!

  3. It's already an hour into October here. And so far it's a hell of a nice one.

  4. Feels like fall officially rolled in here as well... I just took a walk and had to break out the hoodie.
