Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Bird's-Eye View of the Postwar World

Here's some highlights from a fun little gag digest put out by Consolidated Book Publishers in 1945, showcasing a comedically paranoid knee-jerk reaction to man's place in an ever changing world, vs. the technology of the time: electronics, airflight, robotics, privacy invasion etc... lots of good artists in this one too!


  1. Pretty good, though I suppose the only one I object to a little is the black guy polishing someone's toenails on a train's sleeping car. It's not entirely bad, but we have to be reminded of the times cartoons like these were made in.

  2. Hell, I'll take that toe painting job this instant.

  3. I love the woman who has just gotten out of the bath to answer the phone. Most of the art here is really fantastic.

  4. Hell, I'll take that toe painting job this instant.

    Yeah, I would too in this day and age!

  5. The doc diagnosing via a TV screen is now done over the Internet. It's an event that cast its shadows a long, long way. The cartoonist who drew it just thought, "Hey, this is a great gag!" without realizing he was being an inadvertent prophet.

  6. Haha, indeed Pap! If we can dream it, we can be it!

    I think alot of helicopter pilots take some "Peepin' Tom" time as well, Big Brotha!
