Sunday, July 22, 2012

100 Days Until Halloween!

While actual, real Halloween fun awaits 3 months from now, lets get everyone at least thinkin' about it (okay, who's not thinkin' about Halloween?!) and today we have some highlights from the Oct. '67 issue of Children's Playmate Magazine, (not to be confused with the other Playmate magazine for adults featuring different kinds of hallow-weiners!) Here we have games, projects, tricks, contests, and much more-- I'll post the rest of this issue later this fall!


  1. sweet! i could use some Hallowe'en chills about now...

  2. Well then totally CHILL OUT man--- uh wait, that didn't sound right. Oh you know what I mean...

  3. I like the paper doll costume pages. It would be fun to color them.

  4. Also, Wally? That boy's a turkey-winged freak just like his mom, the Black Witch. Stop them before they escape the midway, boys and girls.

  5. I encourage people to print these out, color them, and then email the results back to me... I'll evrn post them here-- so make 'em interesting!

  6. Halloween, there is no holiday like it. It is a chance to watch horror movies and tell ghost stories and be safely scared knowing the spirits and monsters are not going to jump out of the TV set or book of ghost stories and try to get us. Halloween is almost a holiday that a kid would invent- one filled with scares, costumes and CANDY!
    Young or old, no holiday is as much fun as Halloween!
