Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yogi Bear Takes a Vacation

And you thought we were done with Yogi and Boo Boo in our last post, eh? Now it's time to venture into the wilds of Jellystone and see what the heck has happened to our picnic basket! Art Seiden's illustrations are, simply put, mother flippin' perfection in this Whitman BIG Tell-A-Tale book from 1965-- I only wish there were an additional 30 pages of story and art, sigh...


  1. Wow, you said it. This stuff is super. I love the scan you've labelled page 7--with Yogi pushing the raft into the stream by the ferns and beneath the pine needles. I love how the rushes on the bank merge with the movement of the river.

    Is that a half-tone screen making everything look fuzzy? Or are the painted illustrations just textured? I can't always tell in scans of printed material.

  2. >Is that a half-tone screen making everything look fuzzy? Or are the painted illustrations just textured?

    A little bit of both maybe? And possibly a little help from my scanner too, no matter how much I mess with the settings it still adds a weird sort of diagonal lineage to everything for whatever reason. I do add a minor blur to everything which smoothes it out a little, but alas it's still there.

    Thanks for the comment Mr C!

  3. Hey, hey, hey, smarter than the averge post!

  4. Karswell: This stuff is so the shot! The artwork from these Whitman books (or Little Golden books) from this era were some of the most beatiful illustration work ever. I would rather have this stuff on my wall that any "fine art" you could name.

  5. >I would rather have this stuff on my wall that any "fine art" you could name.

    I second that-- thanks Mykal!!

  6. Awesome!
    I own a original Seiden!
