Monday, September 2, 2024

Coppersmith Dracula

Dug up this cool Aurora Coppersmith pressing of Dracula today. These were created with a plastic craft form kit from 1970, —you placed a thin sheet of pliable copper over it and did a rubbing that made the image appear in 3D, similar to a gravestone rubbing on paper. There were also ones for Frankenstein, Wolfman, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.


  1. Neat. I don't think I've ever seen this before. Looking around online, it's fascinating to see how different various examples of the finished copper product look from one another. This is by far the creepiest Dracula I saw in a quick tour around the net.

    I'd love to score one of the plastic plates and try this with aluminum foil, leather, newspaper, etc. Seems like you could make all sorts of interesting versions.

  2. Still, to this day, hanging on my wall, is a arts and crafts squirrel I did in copper -- it wasn't pressed on something but was done by hand by shaping the copper with a wooden dowel. It's absolutely hideous. I made it in something like 3rd grade, but it will never not hang on my wall. This brings back a lot of memories!

  3. A great relic from the Monster Craze days!

  4. That image would not be out of place as the book cover for the Necronomicon or some other grimoire of ancient vampiric evil.

  5. As a collector of vintage monster stuff, I was actually a bit surprised to find out about something like this that I was completely unfamiliar with! Now on a hunt for one of each...

  6. Now on a hunt for one of each...

    Well don't stop at copper. There were Silversmith sets, too. I don't know if they came in monster versions, but there is definitely crossover potential.
