Saturday, April 13, 2024

Yogee the Amazing Answer Board

Yogee-- the Amazing Answer Board that glows in the dark is one of the more interesting examples of Ouija board variety, this one being from 1944 and, as mentioned, contains an eerie glow in the dark bonus (see close-ups of the four board corner swami's for example.) It also features two little devils holding up the Yogee board name on the front, then, flip it over and follow the answer board directions, or for those of you too afraid to dilly dally with the dead, you can just play chess or checkers instead (snooze!) So did I buy this thing? Unfortunately no, condition vs. price just wouldn't align... but I took a buncha pix of it!


  1. Ha ha--if you don't get the right answers, well then, it's not the board's fault you big dummy. It's your fault. Get better! I love it.

    I've never actually seen any examples of actual Ouija Board knockoffs in the wild before. I'd just assumed Parker Brothers had jealously (and successfully) guarded their intellectual property all along. Sometimes I even suspected brand X boards were probably mythical.

    Yet here we are!

  2. I can't take a dark, satanic spirit of the abyss seriously if his name is Yogee! That's a little too close to Yogi Bear!

    The glowing skulls is a really cool touch, though!
