Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Halloween in March!

Found this super fun, old time, Bugle Toy Company Halloween noisemaker the other day and couldn't believe how cool the graphics were on all sides. A skull headed ghost attack! A jack-o-lantern on a pole! Witches, black cats, a ring of black bats, and a wizard conjuring an owl (haha!) Not sure how rare this tin litho masterpiece of Halloween macabrey is, but I know I've never seen one like it before. Looking around online it seems that Bugle made these toys from the late 20's up to 1950... wonderful stuff, and hey, only 231 days until Halloween!


  1. I adore everything spooky but it's the human reactions that are the real winner in this.

    I love the expression on the wizard as he stares down the cat. How happy pumpkin on a stick guy is, and the jangly distorted body running from ghost rider in a sheet.

    Bonus points for giving the witch, as Jerry Springer would say, great "junk in the trunk."

  2. Someone once said that St. Patrick's day should be held monthly, I say Halloween should be celebrated weekly, or would that take some of the fun out of All Hallows?

    That is a neat noisemaker, does it make a rattling sound when you shake it?

  3. Great graphics. I haven't seen this one before. I couldn't find it in either of my collectors' books. Nice find!

  4. Golly that thing is in excellent condition. With the crenelations in the shape it's hard for me to tell if there are any dents or not (good design!), and I only see one scratch? Amazing.

    For my money the pumpkin panel is best. I love the look of that guy. Is he a lost bandleader? Soft-shoe champ? Door-to-door pumpkin salesman? Whatever he is, when the skull ghost gets through with Red Skelton, pumpkin guy is the next feller down the road.

  5. Is does make a rattling noise still, but whatever was the original piece inside that made the actual rattling has been replaced with something modern, unfortunately...
