Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Spook Party Has Just Begun!

If you're enjoying the horror comic book stories I've been posting over at THOIA all this month HERE, and now looking for something a little less intense, (but still spooky!) --then you've come to the right place! The October 1953 issue of Child's Life magazine is so full of great things it'll probably take a few more posts to get it all in (stay tuned all month for more from it!) So without further a-boo, here's a nice sampling of Halloween themed art, songs, stories, games, and fun creative projects to keep you busy until it's finally time to don your slay apparel and hit the streets for your sweet treat rewards!


  1. Kid's mags like Highlights and women's monthlies such as Family Circle and Redbook had these kinds of features every October when I was a tyke. That's where we learned which foods made the best eyeballs, brains, etc. for the blindfold game.
    Any idea who did the woodcut-like illustrations for the Sppok poem?

  2. Glad things like this survived, and thank you for putting them out in a digital way so they can live on forever.

  3. This thing is chuck-full of great witch illustrations, but my favorite of the bunch is the witch with the full force of a rocket's exhaust blowing up her skirt. You'd think she'd have a bit more problems then being hungry!

    Second favorite would be the poem at the end, I love the line art, the bat and that awesome frog, and how the ghost mimics the witch's pose.

    Neat stuff!

  4. Yeah, like Mr. Barnes, I'm really digging the scratchy illustrations accompanying The Witch on image ten and Jingles on number six. I assume it's the same illustrator. And like everybody, I also love the rocket illo from the The Spooky Party. It's like Soviet space race propaganda mashed up with Halloween, a real dream-come-true aesthetic for yours truly. But I still think my favorite interior artwork here is the party cauldron surrounded by kids at the bottom of image five. It's definitely the one I want to color the most.

    And that cover is solid gold.

  5. I love the illustrations at the top of the song page!

    And yeah - thanks so much for scanning and archiving this awesome stuff! There's so much out there that is in danger of fading away and disappearing ... like the spooky finger ghosts!
