Friday, August 19, 2022

Pic-Pac Hollywood Viewer vs. Glug-A-Jug Hillbilly Bank

Pic'd up a couple neato thing-thangies this week, the first being a midcentury Pic-Pak Hollywood Viewer featuring a View Master style thumb wheel spinner to scroll through multiple mini images of old Tinseltown landmarks, movie studios, restaurants etc, all within its own teeny, self contained view box. It was surprisingly difficult to line up my new phone camera lens with the Pic-Pak peep hole though so I only included a few examples below, and even still they look like you're squinting through The Blob to get a look. This is a actually a neat contraption though, and as mentioned before, taking a likely technical tip from View Master. My only gripe about it is that the bikini babe illustration on the front definitely got my hopes up that there'd be some bikini babe action on the slides as well, but nope! Anyway, maybe one of the other "series no." delivers on that. The other funny thing I found on my recent antique hunt this week was a funny plastic Glug-A-Jug Hillbilly Bank from the "Land of Mountain Dew!" Haha... great illustrations and just a fun way to store your spare change in a moonshine jug for'ta save up and buy yerself a new pair o'boots, or maybe some dawg food for that scrawny 'ol flea bitten mutt.


  1. I love "Houn' Dawg" that's an awesome illustration. I even appreciate the wild colors, it's really striking and works really well.

    I have to agree about lack of bikinis -- show one on the front and then give me a vacation slide of the Brown Derby and I'm going to feel like I got ripped off!

  2. I think the dog looks sinister. Or like Spider-Man? Your call.

    Man, to fit twenty images on a carousel that small they must be reeely tiny. Although, I guess the way they'd have to be oriented, like a Ferris Wheel actually, saves some space. If they'd made the contraption twice as thick it would even support 3D.

  3. I think the dog looks sinister. Or like Spider-Man? Your call.

    Man, to fit twenty images on a carousel that small they must be reeely tiny. Although, I guess the way they'd have to be oriented, like a Ferris Wheel actually, saves some space. If they'd made the contraption twice as thick it would even support 3D.
