Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Straw Hat (Supplemental)

Before we return to our regularly scheduled program, (The Girls of Montgomery Ward '71 PART TWO), I thought I'd give you a little heart poundin' peep at some sassier straw hat heaven, as hinted upon in our previous post HERE. These cute black and white images come from an old coverless magazine I have (I also have no idea what it's called) devoted to "taking photographs" or some nonsense. Cuz see, back in the day "camera enthusiast magazines" had to lie their way around obscenity laws (and post master generals) when selling / sending their girlie publications to buyers / subscribers via newsstands / mail. Anyhow, I think this person did a fine job taking these pictures. It really makes me want to go fishin' barefoot, as well as wear a straw hat 'n cut-offs.


  1. "camera enthusiast magazines"

    Back in the day there were 'Camera Clubs'.
    These dudes would hire a cheesecake model and...take pictures.
    A huge enthusiast of this was Harold Lloyd(!).
    Many iconic 50's 'nudie' shots are his doing, most done at his elaborate LA mansion.

  2. Why I do declare that is one fine lass!

    Early nudie films took this same route; they claimed there was an "educational" component (learning about nudism!)

  3. >I can hear the banjo ...

    You are quite a talented picker, Corn Pone Carol!

    Thanks for the comments, it's pretty durn possible I'll have more "camera club" and "educational components" in some upcoming posts, so stay tombed, ya'll!
