Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Spell

 I can't forget that some of you still come around these parts lookin' for a spooky old comic book tale to read, so here's a frighteningly fun one from DeCarlo and Lapick, and from the November 1962 issue of Tales Calculated to Drive You Bats #7. You know, as much as I adore Sabrina and her kin, I always loved it when Archie comics would turn on the darkness with just a tad bit more evil edge such as this...


  1. It's always fun to see these rather more straight-faced horror yarns still drawn in the Archie style. Or mostly. This one did waffle in and out a bit. Maybe it's just a Dan DeCarlo thing. I love that sweaty green Rudy Palais-type face in the top corner of page three, that's for sure.

  2. The art on this is interesting. It's got that Archie house style but DeCarlo seems to be trying to push away from it (the cab driver seems out of style) but then it's a very much DeCarlo type face on the witch at the end! I love the middle face in the transformation picture!

    I'm not a big Archie fan so I could be off base there!

    I have to say, after I studied that much witchcraft, I'd kind of be expecting a witch! He kind of deserved his fate here (though less grisly than a normal horror tale, it'd be him burning, not just his castle!)

  3. There's a handful of other more serious adventures into Archies sorcery over in the THOIA Archives, if anyone forgot here's a link:

  4. Oh, this one is fun. Love the green closeup of Gertrude's face in the 3rd panel of page 5. Since this is an Archie brand comic, it's no surprise that Helga looks a bit like Archie's teacher.

  5. Actually, in her third phase transformation, Gertrude looks like..well..the EC Old Witch!

  6. I'll probably be posting more from this series later next month, stay tombed!
