Saturday, December 12, 2020

Pot o' Gold Fortune Telling Game

I mentioned having more occultish fun stuff in the comment section of my Lucky Spirit incense post a few days ago-- and here we go! From All-Fair Games in 1945, Pot o' Gold is a fortune telling game where-- with the help of rabbit's feet, crystal balls, silver spoons etc-- you can hopefully avoid the perilous pitfalls of black cats, broken mirrors, loomin' ladders, or even being the third on a cursed match to find your future wives, husbands, and fortunes! Is there really gold at the end of that rainbow? "A riot of fun" it says right there on the lid --umm, that is unless you lose! Beautiful box art and attractive board details really make this game a stunner. 


  1. It's funny how, in the hierarchy of prognostic classification, a girl's red hair color supersedes whatever her vocation happens to be.

    The game is pretty and amazing, and does look like a lot of fun to play. I love the art deco reflections in that crystal ball (and the golden coins) on the cover art. And I'm so glad you added the image enlargements, because I would probably have totally missed the coiled-up snake ring otherwise.

  2. Thinking about maybe hanging the lid and board on the wall here in my office

  3. You should totally hang it on the wall. The whole thing is so awesome! I'm a little bummed though cause I would so much rather get in that boys line and pick the glamor girl.

  4. "Business Man" and "Business GIRL." Discuss!

    I love the fortune teller graphic, it's bright, bold, and the colors really pop, and I like the way her hair frames the veil.

  5. "Ace of Spades: Old Man Trouble is looking for you"..... I will refrain from commenting on how I first interpreted that. Even with the proper grammar capitalization, it still took a minute to click that it wasn't talking about what I thought it was talking about. xD

  6. Okay, if I actually figure out a good way to hang this I'll take pix and post 'em here at a later date. During this never ending pandemic, board games (and puzzles) seem to have really made a major comeback in my house :) Thanks for the comments!

  7. This actually sounds like a fun game. I am surprised it has not survived until modern times, particularly when divination was so popular. I found a link here, but not really anywhere else.
