Saturday, October 5, 2019

View-Masters of Horror (PART TWO)

My wishful thinking "View-Masters of Horror" series wouldn't be complete without a few examples of Talking View-Master reels too! Check my last post for part one in case you missed it, by CLICKING HERE-- BOYYYYYY!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Maybe some company will pick up on this idea, since so many are catering to fans of stuff like this these days. Like the Halloween III figure set that was announced this week. Very niche - or maybe not so much, anymore?

  3. it does seem like it would be possible to make aftermarket View-Master reels that would work in the legit viewers. I assume they are basically 16mm film positives matted to square. There's an Etsy project for someone.

    I love all of these. But I think HAUSU would have been the one that sounded the best on View-Master.

  4. Kodak has a program on their photo editing software which will allow you to make anaglyphic 3-D pictures from sequential still frames.
