Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Ghost of Snaggle Castle

As far as I can tell, these are the only two 1940's ghostbustin' adventures of Foreclose Holmes and Batsin Belfry, as written and illustrated by, uhhh, Slaba Eyce, haha. Both stories are only two pages long each, but they seriously contain enough spooky, silly fun and neato artwork to pack a full comic book. I would definitely love to see more, but after playing back-up filler to The Great Zarro, Madame Strange, and Guy Gorham in Great Comics #1 and #2, issue #3 eventually came along and dumped their flights of fright altogether.



  1. That second one made me laugh, all right. I see a real improvement between the two. It's for sure too bad there weren't more of them. It would have been neat to see what they developed into.

  2. Those bitching birds for sure stole the show! Thanks for the comment, Mr.C!

  3. The artist missed the obvious comment - they are now Jailbirds.
