Friday, August 18, 2017

Sir Reginald Play-N-Save Bank

Like the great hunter I am (for fun stuff ONLY) todays tremendous treasure find is the wonderfully cute 'n violent, Sir Reginald Play-n-Save Bank-- and lordy be it's plastic, though mechanical, and unlike one I found a few years ago, it works great too! Just load a coin on top of the shotgun, pull the green trigger (located on the hunter's stomach) and fire your hard earned change right down that mean 'ol lion's throat! Made by the Mascon Toy Company in Lorain, OH; there seems to be varying opinions online as to whether it's from the 50's or 60's. Does anyone know for sure? 

*Also, no lions were harmed in the making of this blog post!


  1. I really think this thing is cute as heck, and I totally want to see it in action.

  2. Workin on it! Thanks for the comment :)

  3. I bought one for $5 last month in Kansas City. It works perfectly, but mine has no sticker label and Sir Reginal's skin isn't painted, it's just yellow. No shading either. I had no idea what I was buying, just thought it looked nice. I have it sitting on my desk at work.

  4. I paid $10 for mine! I think we both got a bargain for sure!
