Friday, July 22, 2016

Spare the Sweets

Part 2 of Betty Crocker's "Your Share" war time cookbook from 1943 (see our previous post for Part One HERE!) highlighted by more fun illustrations and exciting food ideas PLUS --swingin' community get togethers! You guys know you wanna have a Hobo Party-- so come on!!


  1. You know, I never much liked that rapey Victory Day photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, printed in Life Magazine, with the sailor kissing a "nurse" in celebration of the end of the war. I'm happy to see that the original image that Life was lifting from, the header on "spare the sweets," seems a little more consensual.

  2. There's not much kissin' going on at the Hobo Party, I'm afraid

  3. i love that hobo party!

    all the teeny images are all so great! esp the community sing image and the walking supper table.

    i would really love to see the recipe for that ground carrot and celery sandwich. i'm both intrigued and appaled.

  4. The appalledness is mutual! Carrots = no
