Sunday, November 22, 2015

Junior Chef

We're stuck on food here in November, and just days away from Thanksgiving! Mom and dad are busy hustling up the menu for Thursday (well, mom is anyway), but what about the kids?! Sears pondered the exact same thing back in the 60's and thus, created the fun line of Junior Chef Baking Mix Sets that came complete with a how-to booklet, utensils, pans and trays, and all kinds of fun little boxed packets of delicious treats to mix 'n make right there in your own kid-chen! Get it? :) I only have the fantastically illustrated booklet and one packet of (unused) vanilla frosting (box art also amazing), but you can see more by googling or searching around eBay-- which is exactly what I did and found the very last image of the super cute lid art at the end of the post! So! Neato! And I'm sooooo ready for cakes, cookies, and pies!!!


  1. Yeah, that two-color box art on the baking mix set is awesome. Make a great tattoo!

  2. man this seriously is cute! i even love the illustrations on the back of the vanilla frosting packet.

    and i'd like to know what the hell kinda pie that is with the red dots in it

  3. I just assumed it was pepperoni.

  4. I like the kid in the booklet with his pants rolled up, he knows if you drop delicious ingredients while busy preparing and they get caught in your rolled up pants, then that's more snacking for you later!! Hurrah!
