Thursday, July 16, 2015

Man-Bat Madness

I posted a classic Bat Man monster story HERE at THOIA during SDCC last week, so I'm posting some more Bat Man here at AEET this week! I love Bat Man, I super love Man-Bat, and I super-duper love Frank Robbins fantastic artwork-- so here's the trifecta of everything I love about the characters and artist from the October 1971 issue of Detective Comics #416. Holy splash panels, is that an awesome first page or what?! Cool Neal Adams cover too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Robbins, on the wrong type of story could make it bad, but on the right type of story -- in dark alleys, in dark subways, ghastly creatures and everything bathed in shadows -- is high art.

    Very 70s Batman story, I'll leave it at that. But Robbins hits it out of the park with the art.

  3. My, it's very overheated! Sheer headlong madness. I really love the panel at the bottom of page three: "HUMAN-BATHOOD!?! That LIVING NIGHTMARE?!" Awesome! The bottom of page eleven with the Batman hanging onto the back of the subway car is pretty spectacular, too. Love the colors here. Thanks Karswell!

  4. So awesome.. thanks!

  5. Definitely one of Robbin's best stories, I'll have more in the coming months-- thanks for the comments!

  6. Frank Robbins seems to be one of those artists that one either loves or hates with no middle ground available. I LOVE his work and am perplexed at those who do not.

  7. Yes I received quite a few negative comments on this post (same for when I posted Robbins stories at THE HORRORS OF IT ALL), but I don't publish them... his brilliance has been bashed enough over the years, im not allowing it on my blog at all, I love his work too much and don't care what the haters think.
