Thursday, February 19, 2015

Secrets Double-Shot!

Let's take a look at some lowhighlights (I just made up that word) from two steamy issues of Secrets this time, one from August 1968, and one from a bit earlier in the decade, October 1963. As you will see, not much has changed with our unchaste leading ladies and sinful gents in those yearning 5 years, I mean, story-wise everything seems to have remained just as sleazy and scandalous as ever, but possibly the photography and image lay-outs slowly begin taking more chances, even sort of getting "arty" if you know what I mean. Yes, you know what I mean...


  1. Man, I love that layout on the "Marriage Spree" spread. The way the pennant mirrors the shape of her noirishly crawling figure is so cringingly mod. I also love the "Sex Spy" illustration, although I wish the spy had been left in B&W and the binocular lenses had been tinted red and blue respectively, like 3D glasses.

  2. I'm kind of obsessed with the chick begging to be taken to bed... so much so I actually read the stupid story. Also read Babysitters for a Sexpot, cuz, you know, the roller skates

  3. She reminds me a little of Kyra Sedgwick. Maybe there should be a mid-nineties movie version of this story? Eddie Vedder could do the soundtrack?

  4. Say what you will about "just wanting to be taken to bed", but forget that, I want to eat in that restaurant! I will eat in any restaurant who's style is half castle dungeon - half basement rec room!

  5. And I'll bring the roller skates!

  6. in my lost iphone comment i said i totally agree with you guys on the ones you like - but my total fave is the Sex Spy one - prob cause of my Peeping Pam tendencies :)

  7. that's where my googly eyes are plastered!

  8. "I Gave Her Something Worse Than A Baby?!"
    What could be worse than a baby?!
