Friday, October 24, 2014

Happy Halloweegs!

Yes, weegs... err, wigs... wah-wahhhh, sorry. Okay, this sexy public service announcement post is to give fair warning to those of you planning your sexy Halloween costume this year without the proper sexy head dressing accessory. Yes, I'm talking to you, Sexy Leatherface! You! Sexy 70's Go-Go Dancer! You! Sexy Nascar Pit Crew Member! You! Sexy Duck Dynasty Hillbilly! You! Sexy _____ _____ (fill in the blank.) So what the Hell ever your sexy definition is of "sexy", you're still gonna look pretty silly (Sexy Silly?) if your hair isn't as freakin HUGE and sexy awesome as it can be-- and I'll bet my own receding cascade of curls if the sexy possibilities aren't endless! Here are some full-page ads from the back of the October 1971 issue of Secrets magazine (see our last sexy post too for more!) What's the sexy style for you? Lioness? Longette? Shake 'n Curl? London Shag? Hey! You! Sexy Monkey Girl-- I have the perfect sexy look for you in the first scan below! Oo-oo-oo!


  1. god these are hilarious! they were really pushing the wigs back then!

    i found some 70s pics of my mom in a wig she used to wear a lot to work or to family dinners. and when i was a kid i never really thought much about it but looking at the pics now it's sooooo painfully obv and almost laughable. they aren't attractive at all! even if they are called "freedom wig" or "super gypsy."

    ain't nothing free or super about any of them!

  2. My mom had a few in the early/mid 70's, but I think she only wore them for a short time before realizing the error... her mother (my grandma) worked the wig counter at a department store so she had a million of them in various size, shape, and color. For some reason, I mostly remember this crazy silver one she used to wear.

  3. yeah my mom's main wig was frosted(i even have a pic of me wearing it!) - which just looked like a prematurely grey hair wig to me

  4. Haha, yeah that WTF Evil Dead grey wig look, also used in 60's porn a lot

  5. I love the Natural / Super Natural ad. It's almost like satire (or racism: get the Fly wig! Or the Super Fly wig!). Man I wish everyone was wearing them, though. I miss afros so much. Urban space helmets, withit street futurism. So damn sexy.

  6. The world would certainly be a lot more interesting, indeed, Mr C! I'm all for any long and flowing style go-go wig-- but man that ball head shit can stay buried in the vaults of hairdoom forever.

  7. Had the protagonists in the comic stories "Hirschel's Hair" and "The Wig" (found on your other great blog) had just bought one of these terrible toupees they wouldn't have had to resort to murder to hide their baldness, though wearing any of these wigs might make them go crazy anyway.

    Then again, wearing such hair styles would have been out of place in the fifties, though in the sixties and seventies it would have been the norm (sort of.)

  8. My OCD makes me focus on weird minutia -- like why, in the 3rd page, is the art style different from head to head? Some are photos, some are potentially retouched photos, some are realistic drawings, some are more cartoony. ARGH!

    I know nobody really cared or thought about that kind of stuff, and they used whatever they had (probably from sub manufacturers) -- but it just drives me crazy!
