Saturday, July 26, 2014

Xmas in July, Day 26: Tiger Socks & Cocktail Mixer

After a hard day at work I just wanna kick back and relax with a cold beverage, and what better way to do so than in these wild winter warmer tiger slipper socks with nails and padded leather patches on the soles and heels! So pour some Mountain Dew into my shapely go-go girl cocktail mixer, flick her switch and watch this Little Annie Fanny look-a-like shimmy and shake and pussy-foot the night away! (Montgomery Wards Xmas Catalog, 1971)


  1. I recall from reruns of the Thin Man movies, the main character told the bartenders how to properly mix drinks, A "Manhattan you shake to the foxtrot, a dry martini, you always shake to waltz time" etc. Maybe this blonde cutie could be programmed to do the same, a different dance to mix a different drink, though after a few too many she will look like she is dancing without pressing the button.
    (Bartender Barbie?)

  2. I love the Thin Man movies :)

  3. I'm not a him but I would totally dig both of those gifts!

  4. They are both quite diggable!

  5. Damn, she does look like Little Annie!

  6. There's one for sale at the antique mall near my sister's... I may have to breakdown and buy it even though I think it doesn't jiggle anymore, it's still super looking
