Sunday, July 20, 2014

Xmas in July, Day 20: Bendy Toys

Maybe you saw the Pink Panther on the nightstand in our last post, well here he is again-- all 2 ft. of foam rubber and flexible wire frame! Along with Tom & Jerry, these Bendy Toys were really awesome and totally different style English imports, and I want them both for xmas, please!! (Montgomery Wards Xmas Catalog, '71)


  1. Pink Panther looks like he needs to get some sleep with those bloodshot eyes!

  2. He's got pink eye, Chris ;)

  3. I had a Roger Rabbit in my late teens (still do, I guess; unless I'm spacing giving him away, witch is totally possible). The only really large stuffed animal I has as a kid was an huge, maybe twelve-foot, blue snake--it was long enough to outline my double bed almost all the way to the edges. He was cool, but he wasn't some famous character. Hmm. I might still have him somewhere, too.

  4. OMG if jerry is a teeny bendy i'm gonna have a heart attack

  5. you guys understand that these are not your typical rubber bendies right? These guys are cushy foam and very large, I remember toys made of this material but not sure if I ever had anything or not.

  6. Oh hell ya! I need these guys so much!
