Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Xmas in July, Day 16: Record Books

We skinned up our knees pretty good yesterday on the skateboards (it's 1976, what the Hell are knee pads anyway???), so now we're back inside and looking for something to do. Good thing this Xmas in July we added record books to our wish lists-- and being the horror head that I am, I made a special notation on Monsters Hits (#2) Frankenstein, Dracula, Man Thing, and Werewolf (but of course any cartoon and / or super hero set will work too!) So put on the record, and read along to full color action and adventure! (Sears Christmas Wish Book, 1976)


  1. Hurry! First comment. I got dibs on set #3! I may have to do an eBay search for these.

  2. man those are so great! i love the Fred & Barney Circus Fun one. actually i want all of them

  3. I want all of them too, but I'll bet that Star Trek album has all the very best groovy sound effects.

    Surely these are available online somewhere?

    1. I'm sure they're all on YouTube... that's where I Found all the GI Joe adventure record books I had as a kid

  4. I had the Dracula book. The Marvel books where usually reprints of single issues comics with the addition of the audio recording. I'm pretty sure I had the actual record book years before I actually collected ToD.

  5. Great find Karswell.
    I can't recall owning any of these in my childhood, though I might have, childhood memories get hazy and fuzzy after so many decades.

  6. "You can read along in your book. You'll know when it is time to turn the page when you hear the chimes like this... (CHIMES) LET'S BEGIN NOW!"

    God this was my childhood!

  7. My childhood too, Chris! :)

    I still have the Dracula record Brian!
