Monday, February 24, 2014

Hansel and Gretel Get Well

An AEET first! Guest blogger Pappy (from Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine) sends in some super scans of a neat old get well card he found recently. Says Pap: "It's from 1950, and I'm not sure why the story of H&G fits into the get well category, but it's kind of cute. It glosses over why H&G were in the woods (father hoping someone would find them and adopt them, rather than hope they get killed by wolves), but it doesn't change the fact that the old lady is a cannibal and Gretel pushes her into an oven to kill her by fire. There isn't much a storyteller could do to soften that aspect of the story." Haha, indeed-- and thanks for sharing! Be sure to check out all of Pappy's great posts over at the FIRST and ORIGINAL golden age comics blog by clicking HERE!


  1. Awesome, they are actually wearing little wooden clogs in every illustration. Thanks a lot, Pappy (and Karswell)! This is really cool.

  2. The author also neglected to mention the cavities the kids suffered by nibbling on that old lady's house.

  3. i totally missed this! really really cool! except for the oven part :( x 10000000000

  4. Thanks again for sharing, Pappy! If you have any other cool stuff (especially anything featuring death by oven) please send it my way! :)
