Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happiness is a Dry Martini

Select highlights from Happiness is a Dry Martini by Johnny Carson, published in 1965 and featuring fab illustrations by Whitney Darrow, Jr. (see Misery is a Blind Date also by Carson and Darrow for more hilarious gags as well.)


  1. The frontispiece and end paper stuff with the color bar olives are my clear faves, but that elevator fantasy is top notch. With my usual luck I'd be stuck with a ghastly perfume salesman instead, reeking like the TP aisle and making me sneeze.

  2. Good Grief, no one picked up on the tie in/spoof of Charles Shultz's "happiness is a warm blanket" (given the choice, I would prefer the martini over a blanket any day)

  3. And I'll take a warm kitty over a warm puppy, any day.
