Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rexall '77 (Advertising)

When I was a kid, the local Rexall was not only the place to get a drug prescription filled, it was the place to get comicbooks and candy long before all the convenient "Wal-stores" began popping up around our neighborhood. It was a one stop shop, they even had paperbacks and occasionally some neato toys too --unfortunately, ours did not have an ice cream counter like some did back in the day. Today, I have some select product advertising examples from the 1977 Rexall Family Almanac and Moon Book. These groovy ads really take me back, the perfect design presented in simple, clean lay-outs, and featuring an array of art styles ranging from realistic to cartoony are pretty much the definition of what turned me on to fun graphic design in the first place.


  1. there are a lot of really neat illustrations here. thanks!

  2. I like the "snow removal" dandruff shampoo, ha!

  3. Stag cologne seems particularly on the nose considering the fact that the smell is often harvested from the musk glands cut out of adult male deer.

  4. Yeah, the STAG ad is great too, I also really like the strangely cute doll people in the Minuteman Multiple Vitamins ad... and the sick guy that looks like he escaped from an anime or manga in the Time Capsules ad.

    I was just talking to my friend about the Rexall's here in my area, and remembered I took a pic of one out in Pacific MO a few years ago, see the photo posted here:

    I have heard that this Rexall finally closed it's doors for good since then :(

  5. for some reason i really kinda dig the diet aid tablets lady. and the cara nome hand cream and lotion lady. and the hot lemon for colds lady. and the THRU lady.

  6. All winners too... lets not forget Alex Rocco and Sharon Tate in the last scan buying their daughter a raggedy Ann doll from Walt Disney the pharmacist.

  7. Lot's of illustrations from Clipper Art books -- I remember going through the books and seeing a lot of them at my first job in 1978-1979.

  8. This is so groovy - I came to your blog via a search for Rexall Stag after hearing an old time radio ad :)

  9. Thanks for stopping by, Christine! I have another vintage Rexall ad post in my archives as well, check the search engine for more!
