Friday, February 22, 2013

Jag Gags

Here's a handful of one panel funny gags from the same two issues of Jaguar Magazine that I featured in our last post. Funny, minimal, loose art stylings from Charlie Dennis and Mike Birzon, while the full color image below signed "Bob" is aka Bob Powell, per Mike Howlett's astounding knowledge on these Myron Fass men's magazines-- get more info on this subject HERE. And to see more Jaguar Bond action and gags, check out Sam "Magic Whistle" Henderson's comment in the previous post HERE, Sam shared some great 60's Jaguar scans on his blog too!


  1. nice--love the loose drawings

  2. Yeah, Dennis is one guy that seems to have worked for EVERYBODY-- his gags are in so many collections its not even fu-- wait... no it actually is hilarious!

  3. Yeah, that ink washy stuff is really pretty neat.

  4. for sure...

    More Valentine card art up NEXT!

  5. I have a mike birzon original. I am going to list for sale. Any ideas on value?

  6. This is Mike Birzon...what do you have?
