Monday, February 11, 2013

"In a Stew Over You!"

Another handful of vintage Valentine cards from my personal collection, everything from cavemen to hobos, to Frankenstein's Monster to astronuts, etc-- even food needs some lovin'-- yes indeed, I'm always up for some redhead stew! Gorgeous artwork and clever puns that you most certainly (and most unfortunately) do not find on modern day Valentines... I'll have lots more adorable card art for you in the next few posts as well!


  1. And before I forget, don't miss these hilariously great MONKEYBUTT VALENTINES by Clio Chiang for sale through the GR Works website:

  2. Another great round up!

  3. Good god, you must have opened my favorite box. All these great astronauts. I think Marcia and Chesely are my faves, though that love boy with his giant pink ice cream is nearly too good not to tie. And yes, I do equate vintage diving suit art with spacemen!

  4. Glad everyone enjoyed this group of cards, I'll have more VD adorables later in the week, but instead up next is a two part post of Valentines I forgot I had (Draz knows about them if he thinks back to the paper show this past summer), --you may want to tune out if you're a thin skinned wimperoo! :)

  5. Fantastic collection! Thanks for sharing.
