Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm Batty About You!

As promised, it's February so here's a chunk of fuzzy wuzzy animal lovin' from my vintage Valentine card collection. Bats, bears, dogs, felines, rodents, and even a slimy frog and toad (hey, they need some smoochin' too!) And oh yes, lots more wootsie tootsieness on the way, (sorry VD haters), including but of course not limited to cards featuring: food with faces, more cats, hippies-- and even some HUMANS too!


  1. I love it when you bring the fuzz. These are all great.

  2. I thought you loved when I brought the wootsie tootsies, Draz?

  3. the bat one is so cute!! i love the one with the little teeny kitty looking in the bowl with the dog in it too.


  4. I love the fuzzy animals, but I like it best when they are in costume. I love the first two (the bat's pants kill me) as well as those recognizably off-brand characters: Oscar the Grouch in his garbage can and Mr. Toad of Toad Hall in his car. My absolute fave is the fox, though.

    Incidentally, exactly when did "foxy" go from meaning clever to meaning good looking? And for god's sake, who in the world thought this message--including either meaning--made a good Valentine? Happy holidays, Dear! You're not smart or attractive enough to go out with anybody besides me!

  5. These would all make for good answers in the annotated AEET book.
