Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Treasury of Xmas Ideas (excerpt)

When is the perfect time to give fabulous FREE info on how to make your Christmas even better? Why, in the final hours of Christmas Day of course! Oh well... maybe you can use this stuff next year, or if you're like me, maybe you just like the design or the pictures and illustrations in this 30+ page booklet published by Iowa Southern Utilities Company in 1969. It's seriously full of super neat holiday recipes, fun things to make, decorating ideas, and gift guides (just like it says on the cover), but oh dear it's been a long day and I'm pooped and already ready for bed already, so here are just a few of my favorite pages for now-- maybe I'll post the rest of the book next xmas if someone screams loud enough!


  1. ok...

    1) :O (is that loud enough?)
    2) vibrator is listed in the electronic gift guide!
    3) i love the tree on the cover and the illustrated hi fi and tv!
    4) i'm totally gonna make the Yuletide Pudding and the Midget Swedish Meatballs, although I don't really understand what makes them midget.
    5) i just remembered that i was gonna make the cheesecake from the Merry Makings cookbook for xmas but we didn't have a home made dinner - so i'll have to make it and the Yuletide Pudding and the meatballs when i get back!!


  2. I was gonna ask how that cheesecake turned out, let me know! After the last few weeks of xmas sugar overload, I don't think I'll be eating any sweets until the Valentines candy aisles arrive.
