Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The New England Cook Book (Part 2)

The second half of grand imagery / illustration highlights by Lou Peters from The New England Cook Book, 1956 --for more info about this book check our previous post HERE. And as you can see, things get even more fun as the food literally comes to life, and with adorably happy people of all ages from a variety of eras and lifestyles, graciously gobbling it up like there's no tomorrow!


  1. Wow - there's a lot of really great images here! The first one - the picture - is so great. I love pictures of big pots of baked beans with the juice all overflowing and dripping down the sides. Seriously. I really do.

    And that kid hanging out in the tree eating the whole pie! Man I am sooo jealous!

    And of course I love the webbed footed birds! It's hard to tell if they are ducks or geese - but whatever - they're cute!

    But also the people with the hors d'oeuvres and the lady handing the cake to the dude. So cute!

    Seriously a cool book!


  2. A treat for the eyes as well as the stomach and taste buds. A winner in the categories great images, great recipies and great artistic find.
    There is a lot of great but overlooked art out there, I'm glad you post these images that would otherwise never be seen except for a few who own a copy of this cookbook (and copies of cards, and magazines, and advertising art, etc that you own)

    It is a real pleasure to look at this artwork , thanks Karswell.

  3. >And that kid hanging out in the tree eating the whole pie! Man I am sooo jealous!

    I think he's actually hiding in the tree after stealing the pie, looks like that lady is searching for him, and smiling though like she knows he's right above her :)

    >I'm glad you post these images that would otherwise never be seen except for a few who own a copy of this cookbook

    That what AEET is all about, JMR!! Thank you for stopping by!

    Lots of fun xmas posts lined up for next month-- see you all in a few days to kick it all off!

  4. This is really an interesting prairie fixation these New Englanders seem to have (or, uh, plains Amish?). Again, I absolutely love the attention to textiles in these kinds of things--all those plaids and matching curtains. My favorite might be that royal hoodie the daughter is wearing in that picture where the family is enjoying the roasted turtle in the snow.

  5. My favorite: the teens with the noodle bodies doin' the Wellesey Fudge / Spice Cake dance (as performed by The Maple Flavored Squash Band pictured towards the bottom of the post.)
