Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ghoul Days

Phil Hirsch must have edited a million cartoon collections during his day, and I love every single one of them, though of course my favorites are the ones with gags about spooks and monsters! Pyramid Books' Ghoul Days from 1964 is one of his best, though it seems to have more gags about suicide and spouses murdering each other than actual supernatural stuff... still, here are some horrifically hilarious highlights for your chilly, or not so chilly October afternoon.


  1. ...and again: fantastic cover. I'd have bought any of the books you've posted in the last few days based on the cover art alone. Actually, just having the covers would be a bonus in terms of the display / storage question I always seem to have about cool stuff.

    As for the inside of the book (so far), my favorite is the devil with the cake. Great stuff. Love to know just what that original looked before getting this shifty print job.

  2. Really funny. I love the last one.

  3. >Love to know just what that original looked before getting this shifty print job.

    The printing is especially shifty in this book, it was so disappointing to me that I bought another copy on ebay years ago only to find the second one printed exactly in the same lame manner.

    >Really funny. I love the last one.

    Pete Wyma is one of my favorites, check out this THOIA post from a few years ago for more:

  4. Yeah that cover is really great!

  5. I remember this book. It was nice to see some of it again after such a long time.

  6. Will check it right now.

  7. Lots more monster gag jokes like this coming up later in the month, stay tuned... and thanks again for all the great comments!
