Sunday, June 17, 2012

Creeple Peeple '65

In our last post we looked at Mattel's awesome line of 1960's "Make and Play" toys, and today we take a closer examination of the packaging and booklet elements for the Thingmaker's CREEPLE PEEPLE, ie: colorful box art (all sides), metal molds, complete instruction guide, and the truly fun and bizarre clothing patterns for your Creeples (which I believe is actually the best part of this toy!) Man, I wish I still had some of my own original Creeple Peeple, but alas all I have left is what you see here (and a few strands of stringy pink hair)... those curious for more info, as well as images of the finished Peeple product, should try searching google images.


  1. So very cool. And it looks like you should be able to make some cool Creeple Ice Cubes, still. Got any food coloring?

  2. I had this, as well as the Creepy Crawlers. I could never get the people to work right, though. Mine always came out way too thin and porous. I had better luck with the Crawlers.

  3. I have to admit, the idea of these is a lot more fun than they actually are / were. For me it's pretty much all about the packaging designs and booklet / accessory illustrations.

  4. Hmmm, I didn't have this one (looks like fun though). Mine made glow-n-the-dark skeletons.

  5. Check the previous post Gay Dater, you'll see the skeleton kit listed in the catalog.
