Saturday, March 24, 2012

Terror in the Wax Museum

Before it burned down in the late 80's (?), The American Heritage Wax Museum in Scottsdale, AZ contained the usual assortment of not so life-like Presidents, composers, authors, inventors, etc. Yes, wandering these dim halls one could view recreated scenes from keypoint moments in American history: like the horrific scalping of white settlers at the brutal hands of indians, The bloody Custer Massacre, Honest Abe getting his brain ventilated, and Lee Harvey Oswald filling up with lead. Jeezo! Which way to the more kid-friendly Gallery of Horrors / Torture Chamber?!!

(Highlights from 1960's postcard booklet, photos by Bob Petley)


  1. And starring Johnny Depp as "Tonto".

    What I really want to know is exactly when, Dallas time, Oswald was shot. And I think they should have a hose to intermittently shoot brains on people pausing in front of the rather tamer (seeming!) Lincoln theater diorama.

  2. >they should have a hose to intermittently shoot brains on people pausing in front of the rather tamer (seeming!) Lincoln theater diorama.

    Oh god that would be hysterical... speaking of, there were all kinds of stuff like what you just suggested at HAASHOW this year, exploding dead things emmitting bloody spray and / or stinky gas in your general direction.

  3. This reminds me, don't forget to check out Mykal's new postcard blog (yes he has another one!)

    Click here:

  4. You are too cool! Great post!

  5. I would SO go to this place! I like that it is on the gruesome side. You can only stand so much of the wax celebrities. Every know and then a little historical horror is great fun!
