Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Xmas Exposé

Published monthly during the school year by students of Mizzou (and sponsored by Signa Delta Chi - National Journalism Fraternity) the December 1947 issue of Show Me Missouri was taglined as an "Exposé Issue" and contains a handful of excellent one panel illustrated xmas gags and colorful Santa cigarette ads *cough cough*! I particularly like the funnies by "Gabe", and keep your eyes open for an early gag from the great Mort Walker.


  1. here's a good one- Santa calls up a tobacconist and asks if they have Prince Albert in a can...

  2. Absolutely love that cover! What an imaginary world it opens up.

  3. It's a fun magazine, I'll post some other stuff from it later next year... thanks for looking!

  4. Wow, where did you get this? These 1947/49 issues with early Walker work are really hard to find...

  5. Hi Ger,

    You can usually find back issues of this mag pretty easily at Antique malls and paper shows here in MO, they are a bit pricey though... I have a couple more issues in my collection that I plan to post at some point as well, one even has a Walker cover.

  6. I love how those old cigarette cartons were decorated for xmas so you could just stick it under the tree and call it a wrapped present.
