Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dr. Jekyll's Surgical Supply Catalogue

Glorious old time oddball hilarity from the excellent November 1971 issue of National Lampoon Magazine Vol. 1, #20 a handy / funny one-page S/F chart from Gahan Wilson, (aka the King of the Oddballs), who also illustrated this issue's great "HORROR" cover art.


  1. Sure hope these things turn up in that upcoming book about comic ads just so I can see what this stuff really turned out to be. As a kid, I always dreamed about a real beagle puppy strapped to a straight razor rack showing up in the post box--but I'll bet all they really sent was forty-four shillings' worth of laminated cardboard and a spaniel made out of army plastic.

  2. I always forget how great National Lampoon really was. An excellent post Karswell, thank you!

  3. You people (at least those who don't read Karswell's 50's horror comic blog!); wouldn't know me. (I only comment, until now, on that one): but I just wanted to say that Dr. Jeckell's (sic) catalog was great! Just 2 questions: was he still doing business in the 1930's-40's? Did he take orders from (pre-1939) Germany or (1939-45) Switzerland, Sweeden, or some other neutral country?


  4. Good to see some THOIA crossover faces/voices here, thanks Mr C, Anon and DB! More from this great National Lampoon ish coming up next...

  5. oh man--this is toooo cool!!

  6. This "catalogue" is definitely my favorite part of the entire issue.
