Sunday, July 24, 2011

TV Digest (July 11 - 17th, 1964) STL

I meant to post these St. Louis Globe-Democrat TV Digest scans a couple of weeks ago as a sort of "Over 40 years ago this week on TV" kind of thing. This guide in particular came out a few years before I was born, but it's still a blast to look through anyway for the fun art and ad design, great TZ Shatner photo, Chiller Theatre teaser, and overall general television (and St. Louis MO local) history lesson. I included the entire Friday televised line-up-- man, so much good stuff was on that night! Two submarine movies and The Bride & the Beast?!


  1. These pics are great! I love the blast from the past feeling of looking at old printed material. The ads are fantastic. I love the vintage illustrations too. I can't believe how young Shari Lewis looks! When I was watching Lambchop as a kid, she was already an older lady! How neat ;-)

  2. AnonymousJuly 26, 2011

    TV sure has changed! There seems to have been much more variety in the movie scheduling back then over today. Do the major network channels even bother showing movies made before the 80s or 90s anymore?

    I love the MBTC ad, Think 1974? It's weird to imagine 1974 as ever potentially being "The Future." hee! Another really neat post Karswell, thank you for the memories!

  3. >When I was watching Lambchop as a kid, she was already an older lady!

    Ha! There's a picture of Walter Cronkite in this TV Digest too, and even back in '64 he looked like an old man as well... very funny, thanks for the comment Amber (love your blog too by the way!!)

    >I love the MBTC ad, Think 1974? It's weird to imagine 1974 as ever potentially being "The Future."

    I was curious about this ad as I know Manpower in the 80's was more of a temp agency than an actual "business training center." At least I'm assuming this is the same place. When I temped for them back in the mid 80's they didn't train me for anything, they just asked what I could and couldn't do and then sent me to work in a hairspray canning factory (where I worked for about 3 hours before landing a job at Record Bar where I was much more qualified.)

    I have lots more old TV Guide type stuff to post in the future, if anyone gets a hankerin' for more just drop me a line. Thanks!

  4. The Edge of Night!!! wow.

    I don't know what Uncle Harry is but I'd be into watching that way more than either of the submarine movies.

    I'm def into more TV Guide action! I'd also like to hear more about that hairspray canning job :)

  5. Oh gawd, not the hairspray factory story-- anything but that!!

  6. And I sprayed it up! I was quite in league with Nikki Sixx for Glam rocker hair height back in the day.

  7. so did you get paid in cans of hairspray?
