Sunday, March 27, 2011


Trapped at home on a freezing, blizzardy, spring night such as this (don't ask, it's a STL thing), it's time to raid the fridge and see what we can come up with for a special tasty treat. Let's see, we have soda... we have ice cream... we have some fruit too-- perfect! Now, this beautifully designed booklet from 1961 recommends five great ways to improve upon straight 7Up, but we all know that Mountain Dew works just as deliciously (as does practically every other soda on the face of the planet too.) So do yourself a flavor... make a float now!


  1. is it too early in the morning for a berry float breakfast?

  2. It's never too early for an ice cream float! And if you're hungry too for something a little more solid, check this earlier AEET post with recipes for actually cooking food with soda:

  3. been a long time since i had a coke float...

  4. Now just how the heck is he planning on drinking that while wearing that space helmet. This is going to end badly....

  5. >been a long time since i had a coke float...

    Then don't delay-- have one NOW!

    >how the heck is he planning on drinking that while wearing that space helmet.

    Same way Space Mouse can punch out a guy wearing a space helmet, I guess.

  6. Me-thinks this might well revolutionaize our at-home-treat habits!

  7. Mountain Dew? Yack! That stuff has all the charm of anti-freeze! Now ginger ale would be a fine substitute for 7-up!
    These days there are also these lovely fizzy drinks made with real juice. I think that one of those would work well also.

  8. >Mountain Dew? Yack!

    Don't be talkin' ill of my drink of choice-- it's me life's blood!!! But if I must admit, I feel the same way about ginger ale as you do The Dew, so I guess we'll call it even.

    So here is what I did Saturday night in the big midwest spring blizzard: I got a cup full of snow off my deck, and dumped a can of Dew over it all and injected some whipped creme and ice cream-- it was the most amazing snow cone / ice cream float of all timez!

  9. I'd never heard of a 7-Up float until March's Reminisce Extra. Somebody mentioned it as a memory of childhood sick days.
