Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Sno' Foolin', W'ice Cracker"

I'm assuming that all of Mazie's Adventures with Stevie and Flat-Top were simply the Magazine Publisher's Inc. answer to Archie Comics. This of course doesn't make them any less post-worthy nearly 60 years later, so with Winter 2010/2011 just a few weeks away, here are a couple of "cool" teenage rival tug'o war tales full of silly snowball fights and imbecilic iceboating from the February 1954 issue of Flat-Top #2.


  1. Nooo, that's not an Archie clone AT ALL! It's an Archie Alternate Universe!

  2. Nice artwork on these stories, I have never heard of this comic but I may actually like it even better than Archie!

  3. Even Dick Tracy villains had to go to high school, I guess. I like the end when Mumbles leaves his friend Flattop to die of exposure. Whatta card.

  4. >It's an Archie Alternate Universe!

    Haha, totally...

    >I may actually like it even better than Archie!

    I really really like the stylized characters here too (especially Mazie herself and her great devilhorn hairdo!)

    >Even Dick Tracy villains had to go to high school, I guess.

    Classic, Mr C! hahahaha

  5. Red headed designated hero, black haired jerkass friend, blonde girl, black haired girl, thin big eater friend, girl with unrequited crush on thin big eater, absolutely doesn't remind me of anything at all!
