Sunday, October 24, 2010

Signed, Vampira

Presenting a few photos of Maila Nurmi from my vast collection of Vampira imagery. These are not particularly the most "rare" photos of her in my possession, but what makes them so special of course is that she autographed them for me during our brief friendship back in the early 2000's while I was living in LA.

BELOW: comparison of how Maila enjoyed manipulating her own photos. This shot for example is from one of her more famous beach series'. "I never liked the way my thighs looked in this picture," she told me on a couple occasions, and taking a Sharpie in hand, she simply painted some strands of ragged fabric right over my photo (she also painted her lips red in the other.)

Find out more about Maila and Vampira by clicking HERE!


  1. Priceless! They don't make 'em like that anymore.

  2. You mean~ you don't Sharpie over your own hideous thighs ? Gimme cheesecake~ not cottage cheese~!

  3. you still haven't shared any Vampira stories!...

  4. Sharpie! That's awesome.

  5. Sweeeeeeeeet AND sinister!

  6. fioricet pregnantfioricet anxiety
    Including these pieces lacks that more of your governments will be charged to your endowments.
